Arkansas Self Insurers Association
The Arkansas Self-Insurers Association is an organization whose members comprise employers which are self-insured.
We work to educate our members in current case law and legislative issues which have pertinence. We also work to communicate with legislators giving a voice to our membership throughout the legislative process. In addition we provide educational opportunities through each year to obtain Continued Education. For more information please feel free to contact our Executive Director Melinda Cox at:
ASIA has 5 areas of interest
To further Self-Insurance and protect the interests of Self-Insurers in the State of Arkansas.
To maintain an active interest in the Workers’ Compensation Act and it’s administration.
To keep members informed of pending legislative changes in the Law, Regulations and other matters of interest.
To provide Self-Insurers representation at various hearings and conferences pertaining to the operation, administration and the effects of the Law.
To cooperate with other organizations which have a similar interest.
Our Mission
Protecting the interests of self-insurers in the state of Arkansas.